Instagram-Video: 30.4. TENSION at Berlin's PRE-MAY DAY DEMO Protests →


by red. redstreamnet & 65organize

Berlin police attacked the annual May Day eve protest, Tension mounted in Berlin as approximately 2,000 people took to the streets for the annual May Day eve protests, fueled by outrage over the ongoing Gaza genocide. red. Media is on the ground.

The protest was met with a massive police presence, with authorities deploying 3,000 officers to manage the situation and imposing harsh restrictions on the protesters. The Berlin police have announced plans to deploy nearly 6,000 units on May Day, expecting confrontations on the streets.

Instagram-Video: 30.4. POLICE ATTACKED the annual MAY DAY EVE protest after DEMO in Berlin-WEDDING →


by red. redstreamnet & 65organize

Berlin police attacked the annual May Day eve protest, which this year centered on Germany's complicity in the Gaza genocide. red. Media reporters on the ground were among those assaulted by police, who also forcefully arrested at least one person. The quick reaction and unity of the protesters prevented further arrests.

Video footage shows police officers lashing out at the protesters. The pretext for this raid was created by the authorities beforehand, who had imposed strict restrictions on the demonstration. Berlin has become the epicenter of Germany's crackdown on Palestinian activism.

Authorities announced plans to mobilize nearly 6,000 police units across Berlin for the upcoming May Day protests, indicating a heavy crackdown. Despite the intimidation, organizers remain resolute in their demand for an end to Germany's role in the genocide in Gaza.

Stadtteilkomitee WEDDING: Historischer KIEZSPAZIERGANG

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Am Samstag machen wir einen Kiezspaziergang zur roten und widerständigen Geschichte unserer Straße.

Wir treffen uns um 13:30 vor der Buttmannstrasse 1a. Kommt rum!

30.4.2024: DEMO gegen Krieg und Sozialabbau im WEDDING

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Für Frieden und soziale Gerechtigkeit! Nein zu Krieg, Sozial- und Grundrechtsabbau!

18 Uhr | Leopoldplatz, Berlin-Wedding

Demoroute: (Start) Leopoldplatz – Müllerstraße – Utrechter Str. – Maxstraße – Schulstraße – Reinickendorfer Str. – Gottschedstraße – Exerzierstraße – Badstraße – U-Bhf. Gesundbrunnen (Abschluss)

„Der 30. April ist seit mehr als 10 Jahren unser Kampftag im Wedding, an dem wir uns – vor dem 1. Mai – die Straße nehmen! Schließt euch dem Protest gegen Krieg, Sozial- und Grundrechtsabbau an!”

Zusammen für Frieden und soziale Gerechtigkeit!
Stoppt das Morden in Palästina und in der Ukraine!